Who am I? Click HERE to see my CV

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By Maria Zabala Peña at: englishforeso@yahoo.es or mariazabalapena@gmail.com. For ESL without photocopies go to my other blog HERE

New!! VIDEO BLOGS on English for Communications and on English for Office Applications (Computers). See links below.

English for Communications. Click HERE. By Beatriz Papaseit Fernández and myself, María Zabala Peña.
English for Office Applications (Computers). Click. HERE. By Beatriz Papaseit Fernández and myself, María Zabala Peña.

Who am I? My CV

CV not finished 
French Diploma: Level B2.Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Barcelona. 
Postgraduate Degree (350 h.): Creating and designing on-line materials. UOC. (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya= Open University). Barcelona.
1st and 2 year of Law School. UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya= Open University). Barcelona.
BA: Licenciatura (1) in Translation (English, French and Portuguese). Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació. Universidad Autónoma. Barcelona.
Masters of Arts and Humanities. Major in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. University of South Carolina (USC), USA.  GPR 4. 
BA: Diplomatura (2) in Translation (English and French). Escuela Universitaria de Traductores. e Intérpretes (EUTI).  Universitat Autónoma. Barcelona.
Vocational Studies: International Secretarial Studies. Centre Tècnic de la Dona. Barcelona.
(1) Licenciatura is a 5 year university degree.
(2) Diplomatura is a 3 year university degree.

As part of my long live learning program, I have  been  taking  a 30 to 40 hour course almost every year. Subjects range from intercultural awareness to using Internet with students or counseling. I can provide you with a list of these courses if needed.


 Teacher of English/Class Tutor/ISO supervisor at the Public School (SPAIN)
 Type of contract: Civil Servant.
 From 2012 to present:  Supervisor of compliance with ISO regulation in our school.
 From 2009 to present: Teacher of English. Post secondary education (18 year-olds and older)
 § Vocational Programs (administration, trade, tour directors, secretarial studies…).
 § Preparation for the Gateway course to pass the entry examination to access higher vocational    training (Pruebas de acceso a grado superior)
 From 2005 to 2009: Class tutor and teacher of English.
 § Middle school (13 to 16 year-olds)
 § High school (16 to 19 year-olds)
1997 -2005
Teacher of English and French as well as class tutor at a private state supported school (escuela concertada). Barcelona. 
Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. Private teacher.  Barcelona. I combined private lessons with working as a Tour Director (see below) 
August 1994 - July 1995
 Teacher of Spanish. College of Charleston. South Carolina. USA.
August 1991 -July 1994
Independent Teaching Assistant of Spanish at the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of South Carolina. USA. 
Summers of 1992 till 1994
Teacher of Spanish and assistant to the organizer of the summer MIBS (Master in Business) Spanish immersion courses. University of South Carolina. USA. 


C.1. Two blogs for teachers of English. Volunteer work.Both blogs contain ready to go tasks.

§  This blog contains tasks that teachers can perform in class and for which they do not need photocopies. This is a general English blog. Click HERE to access the English without photocopies

§  This blog contains ready to go tasks  for students in vocational training courses. Click HERE to access the English for Vocational training blog.

C.2. Instructor and designer of Moodle Course for teachers at Lluïsa Cura School.Designing Tasks for Vocational Training Students.  Barcelona. See tasks HERE.
C.3. Teacher/consultant of the introductory course to the Postgraduate Degree Program in which I studied (Creating and designing on-line materials).

 Field of study:

§  Introduction to Teaching with ICT (Introducció a la docència amb TIC), UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

      §  I also taught the same course (adapted) for Red Cross teachers. Volunteer work. 
C.4. Speaker /workshop at APAC ELT Convention. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Title of presentation/workshop: Using a Chat and a Forum to Negotiate a Task

Dates missing.Work in progress from here

Tour Guide/Director for USA citizens travelling in Spain, France, UK and Morocco.


Paper books:

§ English for Communications. ISBN: 978-84-15426-77-6

§ English for Office Applications ISBN: 978-84-1542-678-3

Digital books:

Both textbooks above come with a Resource Pack for teachers, which contains advice on how to present materials, vocabulary and grammar tips as well as tasks for reinforcement and extensions.

§ Resource Pack for English for Communications. ISBN: 978-84-15426-82-0 Resource Pack for English for Office Applications. ISBN: 978-84-15426-84-4

Consultant for all four levels of ESO book (comments on manuscripts, appropriacy of topics, grammar, texts and exercises in the student’s book). English Plus. Oxford University Press, 2010.

Co-author of Introduction, as part of a team of 3 authors,  to the teacher’s  version of the textbook Good Move. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-475301-1-2

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